LC Waikiki #55
Apparel Group
3 Stars (32) 23
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3 Stars27.12.2022
My all-time favorite shopping stores. Whenever I need to refresh my Wardrobe, LC Waikiki comes to mind. They not only have strategic locations and very accessible like the malls, but their clothes are also unique and fairly priced. I must also mention that they have a wide variety of accessories making shopping so much exciting and memorable.
1 Stars9.12.2022
The product quality is below my expectation. I bought some tshirts and wore them few times yet to my surprise, it shrinks right away even its hand wash
0.5 Stars6.12.2022
The prices are great along with the promotional offers , but quality is the only thing im concerned about . Most of the clothes you find here are good for indoor clothing.
5 Stars28.10.2022
Quality is very good
3 Stars29.1.2022
بدأت تظهر وحاجاتهم جميله صراحه ❤️
1 Stars22.12.2021
تخفيض الأسعار
5 Stars28.8.2021
They have good quality product, and i like all the design,
5 Stars14.7.2021
Very good quality clothes with reasonable prices
0.5 Stars28.6.2021
They have good design but the prices does not meet the quality.

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