Eataly #7
Azadea Group
3 Stars (15) 7
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5 Stars31.10.2022
More seating capacity. They tend to be very busy, especially on weekends when people have time to go out. Additional seating could really make more guests want to dine in here.
1 Stars30.12.2020
Well, it is applicable for a once for every 3 months visit. Not advisable to spend on it if you are a low to middle class income earner
3 Stars10.11.2020
it's quiet expensive n hence you can't make it on a regular basis if you want ...
5 Stars24.2.2020
Love the quality of food!
5 Stars29.5.2018
A real Italian place hope they can have more place to set and present them self as restaurant more than deserts and Nutella place
5 Stars17.11.2017
Very well presented and yummy food especially their lasagna!
5 Stars13.9.2016
Best food with best service so far. I would definitely come and dine there again.

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