Second Cup #25
Bin Hendi Enterprises
3 Stars (51) 24
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3 Stars4.2.2020
القهوة جيدة بس موقع المحل ليس معروف للكل
5 Stars4.1.2020
It has very good and well organized stores with quality of clothes very good and well designed.. Staff is always helpful
5 Stars20.1.2019
They brought me different order but replaced it after that Cappuccino was not extra ordinary it was once. Staff needs good listening skills
3 Stars20.12.2018
Good coffee ☕️ great staff.
5 Stars11.6.2018
لم تواجهني ابدا مشكله .... خدمه و منتج جيد جدا لا اعلم لماذا الاسم غير منتشر كثيرا .... يجب ان تجلس هناك بالصدفه ختى تكتشف هذا المكان
1 Stars5.6.2018
New staff need to be trained properly in the fine art of pouring a good coffee. Last time I visited the new cafe at Sharjah City Center, my coffee was no where close to being good.
5 Stars5.6.2018
مزيد من الجهد لزيادة الاقبال
0.5 Stars31.5.2018
The branch at rigga is very quite and peaceful has good Wi-Fi .the staff is very good and the coffee and sandwiches served is fresh and good .only issue is parking .rest everything seems fine .
5 Stars12.4.2018
زيادة الاصناف و تحسين جودة المنتج لتحتل الصدارة

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