Fauchon #74
Gourmania International
3 Stars (35) 10
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4 Stars27.11.2024
الخدمة جيدة ولكن هناك مبالغة بالاسعار
5 Stars27.5.2024
الخدمة ممتازة ونوعية الاكل ممتازة
3 Stars8.11.2020
مطعم يستحق الزيارة ولكن يحتاج سرعه اكثر في الذروه
5 Stars4.3.2019
من أفضل المطاعم
5 Stars13.6.2018
الاستمرار في تقديم الأفضل
5 Stars28.1.2018
There is not one place in Kuwait that does French cuisine like Fauchon, from main dishes to pastries its just a wowing experience every time i am there. Service is excellent, i like all 3 branches i visited (avenues, salhiya and 360) but now Salhiya got my heart with the outdoor area they added
0.5 Stars29.9.2016
I had never been there after they treated me that, one i was with my mom i ordered a cake and it was horribly eggy smell and i have told the waitress that its smelly i cannot eat that and they told me sorry mam we cannod cancel it ! I even spoke to the manager regard that and she just said im sorry they all do smell the same!? What? By by faushon
0.5 Stars28.7.2016
سبب لي انا وصديقي الم بالبطن من الكيك او القهوه الي عندهم... اتمنى منهم الاهتمام بالنظافة..لهم النظافة..كوفي غير نظيف
5 Stars27.7.2016
The menu is a bit spiked in price but the overall sitting environment and service pays off well.

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