كال/فت #29
3 Stars (5) 4
قيّم الآن


0.5 Stars12.3.2023
The location is really bad, there is no parking, the space is very tight. The machines are crammed near each other. Not much space to freely/comfortably workout. Really bad customer service. Wouldn't recommend for anyone
5 Stars20.12.2022
They almost have everything you need, but lacks space. But their promotions are amazing
1 Stars23.10.2022
Family friendly. Continous promotoins
0.5 Stars20.10.2022
The gym is extremely tight, machines are too close to each other. Since the gym is in the basement, the atmosphere is heavy humidity and the smell of chlorine from the pool is not nice.

تعتمد التقييمات بالنجوم على جميع المستويات التي تم تحصيلها لهذه العلامة التجارية والتي تمت مصادقتها بواسطة سيرفس هيرو. تخضع البيانات لإجراءات المصادقة الدورية وقد تختلف قليلاً مع الوقت. تعلم المزيد لمعرفة المزيد

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