كارين فايبر #100
شركة علي عبدالوهاب المطوع التجارية (ش.م.ك.م)
3 Stars (5) 5
قيّم الآن


5 Stars22.12.2018
AWESOME items. QUALITY at its finest. especially the NORTHFACE!!! its a must have stuff for travelling and hiking!
1 Stars18.12.2018
Good selection of clothing to combat Kuwait's heat. The clothes are ridiculously over-priced compared to online retailers, but their sales do help. More focus should be directed towards fast drying clothing,and perhaps an introduction of more like-minded brands.
3 Stars29.10.2018
Lack of sales person to assist the customers. But I am happy as they have wide varieties of Bagpacks.
0 Stars27.12.2017
I love your store! Great clothes and good prices
0.5 Stars19.1.2016
Empty store yet salesperson was indifferent, slow and even slightly annoyed for us being there.

تعتمد التقييمات بالنجوم على جميع المستويات التي تم تحصيلها لهذه العلامة التجارية والتي تمت مصادقتها بواسطة سيرفس هيرو. تخضع البيانات لإجراءات المصادقة الدورية وقد تختلف قليلاً مع الوقت. تعلم المزيد لمعرفة المزيد